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Sunday, January 29, 2006

Google Changes Adsense Referral Terms

It seems as if Google is only cloaked in contraversy lately. If it's not for complying with the Chinese Goverment's requirement to filter their search results, its for refusing to hand over information to the US goverment.

In another step they have gone and changed the requirements for a successful referal for their Adsense program. Previously Adsense publisher got paid $100 each time they referred another publisher to the program, and that publisher earned his first $100 from Adsense.

They have now added a time restriction of 3 months. Unless your referral earns their first $100 within 3 months (90 days) you will not get paid for that referral.

An AdSense referral is counted when a publisher, who has never previously enrolled in AdSense, creates an account and earns at least $100.00 within 90 days of sign-up. The referred publisher must be eligible for payment to qualify as a successful referral.

This is not a popular move amongst webmaster. The general consensus is that the time restriction does not provide enough time, especially for people that are just starting out with the Adsense program. Most people take up to a year to earn that ellusive first $100 mark. With the 90 day restriction it means that more webmasters won't get paid for the referrals. Not a good move on Google's part!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The ABC list of advertising Networks

Advertising is the backbone of websites and allows webmasters to generate revenue through various advertising methods. Finding the right advertising network to use on your site is essential.

With the help of other webmasters I've spent some time compiling a reasonbly comprehensive list of most of the major advertising networks. Below you will find a list of advertising networks offering CPC, CPM and CPA campaigns. These networks are listed according to their major advertising methods, and their position doesn't reflect quality or payout.

This list is by no means a comprehensive list of all the advertising and affilliate networks out there, but it should provide you with a good starting point to see which of the networks will work the best for your site.

Cost per click - the cost or cost-equivalent paid per click-through. You get paid each time a visitor clicks on one of your advertisements. The revenue generated from the click will vary according the maximum bid of the advertiser or ad network.
Google Adsense
Yahoo Publisher Network (Beta)

Cost per thousand impressions. You get paid a certain amount each time a visitor views one of your pages. CPM is indicated as a certain payout for a 1000 impressions. If an ad campaign has a eCPM of $1.00 you will get paid $1.00 for every 1000 impressions.
Tribal Fusion
Casale Media
Buds Ad Network
24/7 Real Media
Mamma Media Solutions
Ad pepper Media
Accelerator Media

Cost per Action - model in which payment is based solely on qualifying actions such as sales or registrations. Your visitors must complete a certain action after clicking on the ad. This varies from buying a product or registering for newsletters.
Commission Junction
Azoogle Ads

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Adsense Statistics

There has been heavy speculation in webmaster circles on how often Google Adsense update their statistics for your Adsense account.

Their latest Adsense Blog post has shined some light on the subject:

AdSense reports are usually updated every 15-30 minutes, but sometimes there can be a longer delay before your reports are fully updated. Even if you notice a delay in your account reporting, fear not -- your stats are still being tracked and you'll be paid for all valid clicks and impressions.

Now those G.A.S.S sufferers can at long last give their twitchy fingers a rest for 15 minutes at a time!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Tracking your Revenue

Google has once again come up with an addition for all of those Adsense Publishers suffering from G.A.S.S (Google AdSense Stats Syndrome). They've added a "Since last payment" report which shows you the revenue you have generated since your last payment.

It makes it just a bit easier to see how far you are from reaching that magic $100 payment mark. Now you can while away the hours checking when that elusive few cents comes in before you can get your payment.

Read More

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Google does it again

Google has done it again. They have just released the Google Pack, a collection of software that would make anyone's life much easier. The Google Pack allows you to download and install the applications using one neat package.

Included software:
Google Earth: 3D Earth Browser
Google Desktop: Desktop companion
Picasa: Photo Organizer
Google Toolbar for IE
Google Pack Screensaver: View your photos as a screensaver

Firefox: One of the best browsers
Norton Antivirus 2005 SE
Adobe Reader 7
Adaware SE Personal: Anti spyware

Quite a nice bunch of applications all rolled into one neat package. As an added bonus you also get the Google updater which will ensure that your software is up to date with the latest and greatest versions.

For first time users this is an excellent package, and for those of us who are already running most of the apps, it will make it just so much easier to restore them after something goes wrong.

If this is what Google can come up with at the start of 2006, I can't wait to see what they do next.

Read more at the Google Blog

Download the Google Pack

Friday, January 06, 2006

New Years Resolutions for AdSense

The Adsense team have posted a list of 10 New Years resolution for Adsense publishers to try to adhere to for 2006. Unlike most New Years resolutions these are actually something you might want to try keep.

1. No more clicking on my own Google ads (tempting though they may be!).

2. Subscribe to Inside AdSense to get updates and suggestions sent straight to me.

3. Broaden my vocabulary of AdSense terms and features: link units, referrals, Onsite Advertiser Sign-up, section targeting, AdSense for search, and more.

4. Use the features above to earn more.

5. Try something new -- like customizing my AdSense for search box using the new options.

6. Filter in moderation.

7. Channel my energy into creating channels for better tracking and testing.

8. Sign up for EFT payments to receive my AdSense earnings more quickly and securely.

9. Provide detailed descriptions of my problems in any emails I send to Google AdSense Support. Well, at least my technical problems.

10. Quadruple my revenue, retire at a young age, and buy an island in Tahiti.

Original Post

To this I would like to add a few more of my own. So here is my additions:

11. Don't create sites purely for AdSense.

12. Create quality content

13. Put your visitors first

14. Abide by copyright. If you don't know who created an image or wrote something, it doesn't mean that you are free to use it on your websites.

15. And lastly - PUT YOUR VISITORS FIRST. I can't emphasize this enough. If you provide good content and fill your users needs, then they will keep coming back.

Number 10, needs some refinement though. I would much rather settle for a few thousands Google shares instead of an island in Tahiti... After a few years of dividends and perhaps selling off those shares you could afford your own country. Now wouldn't that be great!

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Setting Goals for your Website

With the start of a brand new year it's the perfect time to start setting some goals for your websites. There's nothing more motivating than knowing that you need to achieve something and that you actually know what you need go out and do.

Unlike new year's resolutions, these are things you can actually work towards accomplishing. With determination and a little bit of hard work, it will pay off in the long run.

Tips for setting Website Goals
Don't try to achieve the impossible: Be realistic in your expectations. If your site has a PR of 0, it's very unlikely that it will somehow be able to jump to a PR of 10 within a short timespan.

Break the year up into segments: It's a good idea to break the year up into segments. Set goals for each segment. This way you can work towards accomplishing goals for each segment instead of a whole bunch of goals for the end of the year. There is nothing more rewarding than feeling you have achieved something. By seeing that you actually accomplished some of those goals, you'll be more likely to keep on going.

Keep a list: Keep a list of your goals where you can see them on a daily basis. By having a list at hand you will easily see what needs to be done. Each time you accomplish a goal, you can check it on your list. As the year progresses you'll see your successes and the areas you need to spend more time on.

Here's to a great online year in 2006 and hoping that you achieve all your goals.